

Malaria is a very important cause that we need to start taking action about. Malaria is carried by female Anopheles Mosquitoes. It is more widespread in tropical areas such as parts of the Americas, Asia and Africa. There are about 515 cases of Malaria reported each year and about 1-3 million of those people are killed by it, many of them are children. There are many things that people are doing to try to help. For $10 you can buy a mosquitoe net to help save the children that are being bitten.


Great and Evil leaders in the world

1) JFK

2) Hitler

3) FDR

4) Joe camel

5) Jesus

6) MLK

I picked these as some of the greatest and worst leaders in the world because of their qualities that made them good and bad. Some of them helped the world in a great way and others did bad things and were a bad influence on the world. Mlk gave hope to the people but Joe Camel was a very bad influence on the young people of the world.



lately, Yahoo has been in a slump. With all of its competitors including Google, Microsoft and Facebook getting increasingly popular every, Yahoo has a lot of competition on its hands. Although Yahoo does have new ideas and ways to make their company more appealing, they are only ideas and nothing has been done yet. Nothing is expected to be done in a long time.

Facebooks popularity has increased greatly over the past years. Almost every kid weather there in middle school, high school, or college have a Facebook. People think that Facebook might start competing with search engines like Google and Yahoo. now you can just log onto Facebook, type on all your friends walls asking them if they have ever been to California and if so what are some good places to go and within minutes you'll have answers and ideas for your vacation to California. Although you are not able to make hotel reservations on Facebook you do get reliable information from people you know and trust. And Google is a very big competitor of Yahoo also. Everyday people go on Google at leats one time a day making Google a very popular search engine. And what do Google and Facebook have in common, Everyday they are making new things for their website and inventing new ways to make peoples lives easier. This is making the customers very happy and when the customers are happy with a site they want to keep going back.This is what makes Google and Facebook so popular.

For Google, people are happy with all the results and helpful information they get. The site is also very people friendly and easy to use. While Facebook is alittle bit harder to use, once you get a hang of things it gets very addicting. It lets the people who have Facebooks have fun with their friends and talk to people they haven't seen in years or maybe someone they will be seeing the next day. Either way, its nice to get a "Hey, how are you" on your wall everyday.




My house is a good place for me to be creative. My basement is very quiet and away from any distractions. I also like outside. We live on a mountain thats very private and quiet. Inspiration is very good because of the nature thats around. I can focus very well outside and clear my hear. Also where i swim. Even though it can be loud and crowded there swimming relaxes me and i can think better.


From Frustration to Learning

In school, the way i went from frustration to satisfaction is taking my time. Instead of freaking out, i just went slow. I tried things again if they didn't work or i tried new things. I would read over my notes or things that the teachers printed out. I would refreash my memory or learn new things if i have too. This helped me with my work in school but also out of school.